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quinta-feira, 15 de maio de 2014


Chile creates water purifier that can be hope for America and Africa

A revolutionary purifier , designed in Chile , which turns the water into plasma and can remove all your viruses and bacteria benefit before the end of the year about 10,000 families of Haiti, Bolivia , Ghana and Chile.
This is only a small part of the 768 million people worldwide who lack access to clean water , according to the United Nations .
The Chilean Alfredo Zolezzi , ahead of the Advance Innovation Center ( AIC ) laboratories, Viña del Mar ( Central Coast ) , is the author of a science experiment for the first time , makes contaminated water in plasma , the fourth state of matter beyond liquid , solid and gas .
Plasma is obtained from the ionization of atoms that lose electrons and their coverage are all jumbled .
Stars like the Sun are in a plasma state, and the plasma is also used to generate fluorescent light and modern television sets .
Unlike current cleanser, the device created by Zolezzi accelerates water, applying a electrical discharge turns it into plasma and destroys all viruses and bacteria in a process with which you get more pure than that which arrives at our homes .
The device , a tube 30 inches long , is powered with electricity , but it could also be so with batteries provided with specific requirements .
Moreover , he emphasized that requires very little energy and infrastructure , ideal conditions for use in remote and poor villages .advertising
Although Zolezzi made ​​it clear in his laboratory of innovation that is not a philanthropist who wants to earn money from his invention , his goal now is to make an alliance with major international companies and organizations to ensure that the technology reaches the most needy .
" What we seek is to break the paradigm and demonstrate the technology and poverty talk , yes . 's Technology does not reach the poor , or reach them when they are obsolete , and what we want is precisely to develop advanced science and connect it with real problems , " Zolezzi , excitedly said .
" The challenge is to see that the great is effective a business model that puts innovation first to serve the neediest and then seek commercial applications companies ," he said .
Zolezzi did not sell this discovery . Simplified so that it is easy to use anywhere and ensured that this technology can change the lives of those who have less before being sold on a large scale .
He also designed variations of the purifier to help you in future be manufactured 3D printers .
The project progressed in the last year : the countries which will be produced on a large scale and where it will be tested with the help of the Interamerican Development Bank ( IDB ) and the NGO Fundación Avina were selected . Both will enable the population of each country and document the difficulties before a global distribution , which would arrive in 2015.
"It's not even have it in Africa , in a place of high heat and low humidity , or the Bolivian altiplano . Technically , could represent different challenges ," explained Zolezzi .
Then, the impact will be measured . " Bring water is hygienic , health is health is health development , development is dignity ," he said .
Before preparing the purifier to travel the world , Zolezzi tested its operation with several families of Camp San José de Cerrillos , a poor neighborhood of Santiago where there was no running water .
" The water came out dirty , and had many health problems , especially stomach . Though we had water, we got sick anyway ," he told AFP Rosa Reyes Vargas , Community former leader of the settlement.
" The water purifier was crystalline left spick and span tasted good . Purifier When arrived, we were not afraid to make juice " said the woman, who has since been relocated together with other families for a popular neighborhood homes Santiago .

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