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quarta-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2014

polder in Midle East


16:07 (Há 0 minutos)
para webmasterwebmastergovernoprimeirojornalassociaçãobenjasminministerionajibpresidenciapresidentebenjasminMINISTERIOpresidenciapresidenciaprimeiroembaixadaministerioprimeiroJORNALjerusalemjerusalemgazetagazetaBETHLECHEM
Canal da Paz na Jordânia

Original in Portuguese and English by Mario Alberto Benedetto Lynch , translated into Arabic , Turkish and Hebrew

 The Nile River flows into a delta in Egypt on the Mediterranean Sea , whose delta advances 30 meters per year over the sea. I propose the construction and Polder artificial island called New Egypt in front of the Nile Delta , to create a fresh water canal called the Canal of Egypt from Alexandria until the Suez Canal , opposite the Suez Canal would be created other freshwater canal named channel Afro -Asian 50 km would have to be continued Suez Canal , one second later would be built polder artificial island called New front will Sinai Peninsula Sinai and in the middle it would create a channel called freshwater canal Sinai between Afro channel - Asian and Gaza, the Gaza border with Egypt would be built one Canal aqueduct to bring fresh water up to the Jordan River , thus alleviating the problem of water .
 The Polder alleviate overcrowding as agricultural , ecological , urban and tourist programs could be developed .
 The Polder New sinai would front the the Gaza -Israel border limit , a third Polder could be built opposite the Coast of Israel called the New Israel , a channel between polder split Lebanon from Israel , fourth polder New Lebanon whose name would be built between the motto Lebanon and Cyprus and a fifth polder would be called New Cyprus. With this could create a freshwater reservoir helping Egypt , Gaza , Israel , West Bank , Lebanon and Cyprus because with the polder would create freshwater channels comparable with IESELMER of Holland who was a sea and become an artificial lake fresh water

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